Tel: +353 90 6479078
Fax: +353 90 6479090
Email: info@safeireland.ie
Website: www.safeireland.ie
“The ‘Still Here’ National Campaign reminds us all that Domestic Violence is a large-scale, national social problem. It is not a matter of poor personal choice.
Safe Ireland’s national member network of 37 independent domestic violence refuge and support services have long called for integrated effective national response which can provide appropriate supports at local level. Noone should have to live in a home that is coercive, oppressive and dangerous.The Still Here Campaign reaches into homes, workplaces and public venues and reminds victims/survivors that being coerced, being abused, is not their fault, and that they can reach out for support. Safe Ireland supports this campaign to strengthen community-level response to domestic violence.”

Website: www.rapecrisishelp.ie
Rape Crisis Network Ireland works closely with Rape Crisis Centres and other organisations and professionals around Ireland who provide supports for sexual violence survivors. For more information, please go to Rape Crisis Help website.
“The aftermath of sexual violence can be confusing and difficult. Its impact can affect you at different points in your lifetime. You have the right to support and information – specialist services are available when the time is right for you. Please reach out when you need us.”

Tel: (01) 6790 100
Fax: (01) 604 0345
Website: www.nwci.ie
Domestic abuse and sexual violence is a reality for far too many women and children across the country. This campaign continues to be a crucial initiative that provides vital information for victims and survivors, emphasising that supports are available for every experience of abuse and violence.
“Victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence may feel they have nowhere to go, and no one to turn to. That’s why NWC is so pleased this vital resource ‘Still here’ has been updated, and services are available on a county-by-county basis. This can save lives. It’s great to know that help is ‘Always here’.”

Email: activeconsent@universityofgalway.ie
Website: www.consenthub.ie
Consent specialises in consent awareness, education, and training for young people, professionals, and parents. The programme provides free, research-based resources, which support a culture of consent by upholding respect and communication. Using workshops, briefings, training packages, drama, and online learning, we inspire proactive skills and empowering conversations.
“Consent is a right. You can help promote your own wellbeing and support the people around you by engaging with the Active* Consent programme. Visit consenthub.ie to learn more about this approach.
Active* Consent helps people prepare for situations and conversations where consent is positive and proactive, as well as for when our rights and choices are challenged. Preparation means:
- Knowledge: Accurate information on consent attitudes and behaviours; how alcohol and drugs affect consent; digital intimacy; Irish legislation.
- Communication skills: What helps and hinders talking and other kinds of consent communication; your choice to say ‘no’.
- Confidence: How you can help the people around you; seeking support for you or your peers.
- Challenge: Being better prepared to change our culture by recognising or responding to non-consenting attitudes or actions.”